What is the procedure to delete the batch classification? I have assign the class and characteristic to one of the semi-finish material. Now I want to delete it. System showing message that you can't delete. You can only delete a characteristic that has not yet been used in other objects like Classes, Dependencies. Once you have used a characteristic in one of these ways, you can no longer delete it. To find out where a characteristic has been used, choose Environment --> Where-used list.
Delete Class use CL02 --- If you want to delete BATCH material assignment Goto CL24N, enter class and class type(023) press enter. Select the materials and choose delete ( In Menu -> Edit -> delete) To delete Class Now goto CL02 enter class and class type press enter, In menu -> class -> delete. --- If you just no longer want that characteristic to be used, you can mark it as "hidden" in the class and it will no longer be displayed unless you specifically ask for the hidden characteristics, (which we don't train end-users to do anyway). Then you can just add the characteristics on it that you want to. Deleting class once it has data is the system is difficult. It requires removing all assignments to it. With batches, that means ALL the characteristic values would be lost so you have to print the values out first. Delete the batch assignment and then delete the material assignment. Then repeat this for every material assigned. Then delete the class, create your new class, add the new class to the materials, then edit each batch and re-enter all the batch data. This is where having a good, stable, program to export the batch values and then a similar import program can come in handy. --- You cannot delete batch number with MSC5N , you can delete classification only. You can delete the batch classification by going to MSC5N Enter the material and execute, you will get all batches.. Select the batch and go to classification tab and click on delete. ---
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