MM Module Certification exam:
1) The examination questions are grouped together on topic-wise and evaluated accordingly. You can see at the beginning of the first book some plus marks against each topic. So don't treat the questions as 57 right answers out of 80. For example, from "solution manager" two or three questions will be there but it is a topic i.e. if you answer all the questions out of it you will get 100% in that topic. All the topics are evaluated separately and the overall is taken as the final result. Check with your tutor or someone for more awareness. 2) Decimal marks will be there and marks will be given proportionately for the questions you attend. No negative marks. 3) For single answer type, there will be only radio buttons so that you can select only one. 4) For multiple answer (where more than one answer is correct) type, against each statement (answer) there will be two buttons for true and false so that you can (have to) select one. 5) Read and be familiar with the books as much as possible. Group discussions will be very much useful. 6) Once you attend the exam, you will find it easier than you expected. Prepare well, be relaxed, best of
The Do and Don't Don't look for dumps as you will find none in whole world. Go by each word , sentences and get familiar of all the screen that comes while doing exercise. SAP Certification is not like Microsoft or CISCO certifications where one can easily get the dumps. You need to complete the chapter end exercises thoroughly at least you expect 7 - 10 questions in your certification exams . Purchasing II books carries 30 questions in certification. Read all the 4 books at least 4-6 times at least not less then that . Don't concentrate much on week end exams. Solution Manager you can leave ... only 1 - 2 questions out of that . Don't loose patience as you will tend to feel that you don't know anything as exam dates get closer, feel free and relax and sleep at least for 10 hours before exam . *-- Carl Angela Ochangc, Nasal, Dip |
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