SAP Purchase Order Interview Questions and Answers

1. In ME23N, What is the Difference Between PO Quantity and Scheduled Quantity?

  • PO Quantity refers to the total quantity of materials that the vendor has committed to supply by or before a specific delivery date. 
  • Scheduled Quantity is the portion of the total PO quantity that is planned for delivery on a specific date based on the schedule lines. 
The total PO quantity can be split into multiple deliveries, ensuring a structured supply chain. The scheduled quantity is used in Goods Receipt (GR) and Invoice Verification (IV) for tracking and validation.

2. When Do We Need a New Document Type in a Purchase Order?

A new document type is required in the following scenarios:
1. Reporting Needs:
  • If you want to generate separate reports for import PO and domestic PO using transaction codes like ME2N, ME2L, a new PO document type helps in categorization. 
2. Different Pricing Procedures:
  • When different pricing procedures are required for imports and domestic purchases, a distinct PO document type ensures correct pricing assignments. 
3. Restricted Item Categories:
  • For service POs, users might forget to select the correct item category (D - Services). By defining a specific document type, you can restrict users to only choose D, avoiding errors.

3. How Many Types of Purchase Orders Exist in SAP?

Purchase orders are classified into two main categories:
1. Internal Purchasing Documents:
  • Example: Purchase Requisition (PR)
2. External Purchasing Documents:
  • Examples: Quotation, Purchase Order (PO), Contract, Schedule Agreement
These documents help in managing procurement activities efficiently.

4. At Which Level is the Purchase Order History Kept? How Can We View It?

  • PO history is stored in the EKBE table and tracked at the line item level within a purchase order. 
  • The client and purchasing document/plant fields play a role in history updates.
The history updates based on transaction and event types, including:
1. Goods Receipt (GR)
2. Invoice Receipt (IR)
3. Subsequent Debit/Credit
4. Down Payment
5. Payment Processing
6. Stock Transfer
7. Consumption (Subcontracting)
8. Service Entry Sheet
9. Return Delivery
How to View PO History?
  • Navigate to ME23N (Display Purchase Order)
  • Go to the Status tab to check details like:
  • Ordered Quantity
  • Delivered Quantity
  • Pending Deliveries
  • Invoiced Amount
  • Down Payments

5. Where is the Purchase Order Text Stored in SAP?

PO text is stored in the following tables:
  • STXH (Text Header Table)
  • STXL (Text Lines Table)
SAP stores the text as Object ID and Text ID, making it retrievable when required.

6. How to Edit a Created Purchase Order in SAP?

If a user is unable to edit a PO (e.g., changing price, date, or other details), consider the following:
1. Goods Receipt (GR) Completed?
  • If a GR has already been posted, certain fields like price and conditions cannot be changed.
2. Authorization Issue?
  • Ensure the user has the required ME22N (Change Purchase Order) authorization.
3. Info Record Dependency:
  • If pricing comes from an Info Record, direct changes to PO price may not be possible unless the condition type is PBXX.
4. Field Selection Restrictions:
  • Certain fields may be locked once the PO undergoes the release approval process.
  • Example: If a PO for 10 pieces is approved, allowing changes to the quantity would invalidate the approval process.
To resolve issues, an SAP MM consultant should check the release strategy settings and field selection configuration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the Transaction Code to Display a Purchase Order in SAP?

A: The transaction code to display a PO is ME23N.

Q2. Can We Change the Vendor in an Existing Purchase Order?

A: No, once a PO is created, the vendor cannot be changed. A new PO must be created.

Q3. What Happens if a Purchase Order is Not Released in SAP?

A: If a PO is not released, the procurement process cannot proceed, and GR/IR posting is restricted.

Q4. How Do We Check the PO Status in SAP?

A: Use ME23N, navigate to the Status tab, and review the Order, Delivery, and Invoice status.

Q5. What is the Difference Between a Contract and a Purchase Order?

A: A contract is a long-term agreement without specifying delivery dates, while a purchase order contains specific delivery dates and quantities.

Q6. How Do We Handle Partial Deliveries in SAP?

A: Partial deliveries are managed via schedule lines within the PO. The delivery status updates in PO history accordingly.


Mastering SAP Purchase Orders (POs) is crucial for efficient procurement management. Understanding document types, purchase order history, text storage, and editing restrictions can help streamline purchasing processes in SAP MM. By following best practices, organizations can enhance their purchase order tracking, reporting, and compliance within SAP.


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