Vendor Evaluation for Purchasing

Define the weighting keys in SM30 - V_T147J.

Weighting keys 01 and 02 are defined in the standard system. You combine the following 
weighting shares for the standard main criteria:

Main criterion     Key 01 Key 02 
Price                   1      5 
Quality                 1      5 
Delivery                1      2 
Gen. service/support    1      1 
Ext. service provision  1      2 

Define the criteria in SM30 - V_T147G - Double click on the line items

In this step, you define the criteria by which the system computes scores for vendors and 
specify whether the scores for the subcriteria are computed manually, semi-automatically, or 

You can also store your own methods of computation for the scores for subcriteria in the 
form of user exits. The enhancement MM06L001 is available for this purpose.

Define the scope of list in SM30 - V_T147M - Double click on the line items

Define Purchasing Organization data for vendor evaluations in transaction OMGL.

An example :-

How the system calculates the score for the automatic subcriteria 
"On-Time Delivery Performance"?

The system uses the statistics-relevant delivery date in the purchase order 
(Items -> Delivery Schedule) and the goods receipt date to calculate date variances.

You use the statistics-relevant delivery date, for example, if you know that the vendor 
will not deliver the material as scheduled on September 15 but on September 30. Enter the 
delivery date as September 30, but enter the statistics-relevant delivery date as 
September 15.

In calculating the score for on-time delivery performance, the system will then not use 
the actual delivery date, but the statistics-relevant delivery date. This has a negative 
effect on the score for this goods receipt. 
However, materials planning and control uses the realistic delivery date (September 30) 
which the vendor will actually adhere to.

The system considers only goods receipts against purchase orders and scheduling agreements 
into stores and the release of GR blocked stock into stores. In the standard system, these 
are the movement types 101 and 105.

Minimum Delivery Percentage - OMGL in the On-time delivery section

If you do not want a vendor to receive a very good score if he delivered the goods on time, 
but did not deliver the required quantity, you can maintain a minimum delivery percentage 
in Customizing.

Assume you set the Min. del. perc. parameter to 60% and the vendor delivers the goods on 
time, but only 55% of the ordered quantity. Although the goods receipt is punctual, it is 
not included in the calculation of the vendor’s score for on-time delivery performance. So 
that the non-scoring of the on-time delivery performance criterion in this case does not 
bring an unfair advantage in comparison with a poor score, the vendor is awarded a low score 
for quantity reliability. On-time delivery performance is thus always to be seen in 
conjunction with quantity reliability.

Standardizing Delivery Date Variance  - OMGL in the On-time delivery section

To rate delivery date variances in days, maintain the Std.del.time var. parameter.

If you assign a lower standard value, this means that relatively low date variances produce 
high percentage variances. If you set a higher standard value, this results in a relatively 
low percentage variance:

The Std.del.time var. parameter has the value 20. The goods receipt took place on Nov. 27; 
the statistical delivery date was Nov. 15. There is thus a difference of 12 days.

The system calculates the percentage variance as follows:
12 / 20 x 100 = 60

If the Std.del.time var. parameter had the value 60, the variance would be 20% 
(12 / 60 x 100 = 20).

If you do not maintain this parameter, the system calculates the delivery time variance via 
the firm zone in the case of scheduling agreements, and via the order date and the 
statistics-relevant delivery date in the case of purchase orders.  

Best regards,
SAP Basis, ABAP Programming and Other IMG Stuff