Best way to compare two Databases

What is the best way to compare two databases. Especially tables+columns, indexes+columns, constraints, views, stored procedures, triggers.
It is not about data.
It is not possible to make a network connection to the two databases, so a dblink is not a possible solution.


select table_name from s1.user_tables
select table_name from s2.user_tables

vice versa
for all the other objects in question write sql the like

or use dbms_metadata for both schemas and then use your favourite editor to compare the files will all that ddl included
or take an exp from both schemas
imp <u>/<p>@sid file=your.dmp fromuser=s1 show=yes log=s1.log
imp <u>/<p>@sid file=your.dmp fromuser=s2 show=yes log=s2.log

then compare the logs and retrieve the differences


Use OEM Change Management to take the diff between two databases. Of course you would need OMS if want to take snapshots, but for simple comparison - it's not neccessary

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