How to create a DBMS Job?

How do I create a dbms job, actually I want a job that should run at a specified time and do a specific job for me such as picking up data from a remote database and then dumping it into my database.
We are using windows as operating system and oracle 8i.
Can you give me an specific example as in I'm new to this...that would be of great help to me.

Thanks in anticipation.

Per your request. Example:

This submits a new job to the job queue. The job calls the procedure DBMS_DDL.ANALYZE_OBJECT to generate optimizer statistics for the table DQUON.ACCOUNTS. The statistics are based on a sample of half the rows of the ACCOUNTS table. The job is run every 24 hours:

VARIABLE jobno number;
''ESTIMATE'', NULL, 50);'

Hope that helps,

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