How do you check oracle database
for long running queries?
We are performing some load testing on our application which is accessing an Oracle database. I have been given a task to identify the longest running queries during this period. Is there a way for me to identify these queries (including the query text) or stored procedures (just the name of the proc would suffice) by joining some V$ tables? --- Step 1: Execute the query column username format 'a10'
Step 2: desc v$session Step 3: select sid, serial#,SQL_ADDRESS, status,PREV_SQL_ADDR from v$session where sid='xxxx' //(enter the sid value) Step 4: select sql_text from v$sqltext where address='XXXXXXXX'; Step 5: select piece, sql_text from v$sqltext where address='XXXXXX'
order by piece;
Query V$Session_longops SELECT s.SID,
And then run the following query SELECT a.sql_text
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