How do I get Oracle to start automatically when my server boots up? Make sure the entry for your database SID in the /etc/oratab file ends in a capital Y. Eg: # $ORACLE_SID:$ORACLE_HOME:[N|Y]
The scripts for starting and stopping databases are: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart and dbshut. SQL*Net is started
with the
su - oracle -c /path/to/$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart
Can I export directly to a tape drive? Yes, just use the tape device instead of the file name. Eg: exp userid/password file=/dev/rmt0 table=emp
I don't have enough space to export my database! Any suggestions? Well, if you can't afford to buy extra disk space you can run export and compress simultaneously. This will prevent the need to get enough space for both the export file AND the compressed export file. Eg: # Make a pipe
The IMP/EXP programs run in two task mode to protect the SGA from potential corruption by user programs. If you relink these programs in single task mode you can gain much improvement in speed (up to 30%). Although Oracle won't support this they supposedly use this method themselves. cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
Now use expsingle and impsingle instead of imp or exp.
How can I SELECT a value from a table into a Unix variable? You can select a value from a database column directly
into a Unix
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