Performed by Resource Manager

Which of these is performed by the Resource Manager?

A. Percentages of CPU time are split up.
B. Percentages of memory are split up.
C. Percentages of swap space in *nix and virtual memory in Windows are split up.
D. Disk space is split up.



A.  Percentages of CPU time are split up: 

The Resource Manager is a feature in Oracle Database that allows you to control and manage system resources such as CPU, memory, and I/O. One of the main tasks performed by the Resource Manager is to divide up CPU time between different processes running on the database server.

This means that when there are multiple users or applications accessing the database at the same time, the Resource Manager can allocate a certain percentage of CPU time to each process. This helps to prevent any one process from monopolizing all the CPU resources and slowing down other processes.

For example, let's say you have a large online retail business that uses Oracle Database to manage its inventory, orders, and customer data. During peak shopping periods, such as holiday seasons or sale events, the database may experience a surge in traffic from users making purchases and checking out.

In this scenario, the Resource Manager can come in handy by allocating a specific percentage of CPU time to each transaction processing request. This ensures that the database server can handle the increased workload without slowing down or crashing.

To configure the Resource Manager in Oracle Database, you would need to perform the following steps:

  1. Define Resource Consumer Groups: You can group similar users or applications together and assign a priority level to each group based on their importance.
  2. Set Resource Allocation Rules: You can specify how much CPU time each consumer group can use by setting resource allocation rules. These rules can be based on a percentage of available CPU time or a fixed amount of CPU time.
  3. Enable the Resource Manager: Once the consumer groups and resource allocation rules have been defined, you can enable the Resource Manager to start managing system resources.
Therefore, the correct answer is A.

Options B, C, and D are not necessarily "wrong", but they are not the primary function of the Resource Manager in Oracle Database, which is what the original question was asking.

To explain why B, C, and D are not the primary functions of the Resource Manager in Oracle Database:

B. The Resource Manager in Oracle Database can divide up memory resources, however, CPU resource allocation is the primary function of the Resource Manager, and memory resource allocation is secondary. This is because in most cases, CPU resource contention is the primary cause of performance problems in Oracle Database, whereas memory resource contention is a secondary cause.

C. The Resource Manager in Oracle Database indirectly affects swap space and virtual memory usage by controlling the amount of physical memory used by Oracle Database. However, this is not the primary function of the Resource Manager, as managing swap space and virtual memory is typically the responsibility of the operating system.

D. The Resource Manager in Oracle Database does not manage disk space directly, as this is typically the responsibility of the operating system or file system. Instead, Oracle Database has features such as Automatic Storage Management (ASM) that can help manage disk space usage in a more efficient and scalable way. However, ASM is a separate feature from the Resource Manager, and managing disk space is not the primary function of the Resource Manager.

In summary, while the Resource Manager in Oracle Database can divide up CPU and memory resources to optimize performance, it does not directly manage other system resources such as swap space, virtual memory, or disk space.

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