Trying to resize some of the datafiles and make them
small. When I do this, I get several 'ORA-03297: file contains used data
beyond requested RESIZE value.
How to figure out where the high watermark is on a datafile? So I know how much I can shrink it? How do I figure out what object(s) are near the watermark? When I look in dba_extents, I see: file_id,tablespace_name,file_id, partiiton_name: So I can figure out which objects are in which data_file I see a block_id. Not sure how to use that to do this. Where do I go from here? This way I don't have to do trial and error. I can also either move some objects to a new tablespace, shrink the datafile, move some back. Or drop and re-create an index, etc. Answer: I am using below query for my issue: ---- HOW SMALL I SHRINK A DATAFILE select tablespace_name tablespace , file_name , decode(actual_size,-1,'n/a (offline)',actual_size) actual , decode(shrink_to,-1,'n/a',null,'can''t be shrinked',actual_size,'can''t be shrinked', shrink_to) shrink_to from ( select -- locally managed files that can be resized (last used block < last free block) d.tablespace_name , d.file_id , d.file_name , d.bytes/1024 actual_size --MB , nvl((m.maxblock-1)*t.blocksize/1024, (64*1024+t.bitmapped*t.blocksize)/1024) shrink_to from dba_data_files d , sys.ts$ t , (select u.fileid file_id, max(u.block+u.length) maxblock --last used block +1 from dba_lmt_used_extents u group by fileid ) m where m.file_id(+)=d.file_id and d.tablespace_name =t.name and t.bitmapped > 0 and d.bytes is not null --online union -- Offline LMT (Offline DMT info is still available in datadict.) select d.tablespace_name, d.file_id, d.file_name, -1, -1 /* -1 => n/a, null => cannot be resized */ from dba_data_files d where bytes is null -- Offline LMT: Size is unknown union -- dictionary managed (online + offline) select ts.name, a.file#, df.name, ts.blocksize*f.blocks/1024 , case when nvl(min(a.bl-1),f.blocks) > 2 --nvl: no free space then nvl(min(a.bl-1),f.blocks)*(ts.blocksize)/1024 else 2*(ts.blocksize)/1024 end from (select f.ts#, f.file#, block# bl from sys.fet$ f start with block#=(select d.blocks-f.length+1 m from sys.file$ d where f.file#=d.relfile#) --end of free space area = end of datafile connect by prior block#=length+block# --if area before is also free space ) a , v$dbfile df , sys.file$ f , sys.ts$ ts where f.relfile# = a.file# -- a no rows -> no free space and f.ts# = ts.ts# and f.file# = df.file# and ts.bitmapped=0 --0=dictionary managed, else=locally managed group by ts.name, a.file#, df.name, f.blocks , ts.blocksize ) order by tablespace_name, file_name Notes:
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