Set One Column To Another Table's Column

There are two tables:

scores(sid, term, lineno, compname, points)
temp_scores(sid, compname, points)

I need to change scores tables points to temp_scores table's points.

Can I write single update?

UPdate scores
set scores.points = temp_scores.points
where ....

You cannot write it this way, as you have to use TEMP_SCORES table in FROM clause. You have two options here:

1) using subquery 
UPDATE scores
SET points = (SELECT points
  FROM temp_scores
  WHERE <join condition>)
WHERE EXISTS (<the same select>)Use the EXISTS condition, if you do not want to update rows in SCORES with no equivalent in TEMP_SCORES.

2) using corellated update 
UPDATE (SELECT s.points p1, t.points p2
  FROM scores s, temp_scores t
  WHERE <join condition>)
SET p1 = p2;If you would like to update rows in SCORES with no equivalent in TEMP_SCORES, use outer join.
You may use ANSI syntax for join here.

I am trying to copy values from the Points column in Table A into the corresponding Points column in Table C. 
However, the difference is that there is no key relating tables A & C, therefore, an additional join will be used: Table A -> Table B -> Table C.

Specifically, I do not see how the two subquery selects will correlate with each other. 

So I see how this UPDATE will affect each row in SCORES that has a corresponding entry in TEMP_SCORES. But I do not see how the the first subquery SELECT can find the correct Points value. I assume the join condition is "Where Scores.sid = Temp_Scores.sid"; 

but isn't Scores inaccessable in that subquery ? 

And even if it was accessable, does it guarantee the correct Points value from TEMP_SCORES is used ?

Obviously, you'll need to join all three tables. Something like
update A set
a.points = (select c.points
            from C, B
            where b.some_common_column = c.some_common_column
              and c.sid = a.sid
where ...

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