Startup of a Oracle Database Instance

Which statement is true regarding the startup of a Oracle Database instance?

A. The instance does not start up normally and requires manual media recovery after a shutdown using the abort option.
B. Uncommitted transactions are rolled back during the startup of the database instance after a shutdown using the immediate option.
C. There is no difference in the underlying mechanics of the startup whether the database is shut down by using the immediate option or the abort option.
D. Media recovery is required when the database is shut down by using either the immediate option or the abort option.
E. Instance recovery is not required if the database instance was shut down by using SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE.


The correct answer is E: Instance recovery is not required if the database instance was shut down by using SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE.


When an Oracle Database instance is started up, it goes through several stages including instance startup, database mount, and database open. The state of the database can affect the startup process, and certain actions may need to be taken to ensure that the database is in a consistent state.

In this context, the statement E is true, which means that if the database instance was shut down using the SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE command, instance recovery is not required during startup. This is because SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE performs a clean shutdown of the database instance, and all transactions are rolled back before the shutdown completes. As a result, when the instance is started up again, it does not need to perform any recovery operations to ensure the consistency of the database.

The other statements are false or misleading:

A. The instance should start up normally unless there was a failure or some other issue that requires media recovery.

B. Uncommitted transactions are rolled back during the shutdown process, not during the startup process.

C. There may be differences in the startup mechanics depending on how the database was shut down, such as whether or not recovery is required.

D. Media recovery is only required if there was a failure or if the database is being restored from backup.

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