What is class in SAP PM?
Definition and Explanation: Class in SAP PM to capture specifications of technical objects. For ex: There are thousands of motors in plant area, every motor has specifications like Voltage, current, power etc. now here we can see that specifications are same, only values are different. Therefore, we will use Class and characteristics in SAP to meet the requirement. Step 1: Run tcode CL01. Step 2: Enter the name of class. Length of this field is 18 characters. For ex: MOTOR or PUMP Step 3: Next entry is Class Type. There are around 61
Class types. As written in the first line that Class is cross module application.
For Equipment class type is 002, for functional location class type is
003. Select class type for which you want to use the class.
Step 4: After entering Class Type, four new tabs will appear below header. Step 5: First tab is Basic Data, first filed is description. In description field we enter the description of class. For ex: Low Tension and High Tension motors. Maximum limit of characters is 40 characters. Step 6: Then select status. It can be either Released or Locked. Generally we select Released. If status is released then we can assign this class to objects. However, if status is locked then we can not assign or select this class in any application. Step 7: Next field is Class Group. This string is used to group together related classes. The class group is used for finding classes quickly via a match code. Step 8: Afterwards, enter organization data and validity of class. Step 9: In the next tab we can enter the Keyword which can be used as a match code to find the class. It takes priority after description (as explained in Step 5). Step 10: Next tab is very important. Here, we enter the
Characteristics. Characteristics contain the specification of class.
Step 11: Click SAVE button. Class is now created in SAP. Application: Once Class is created and characteristics are assigned to Class. This class is assigned to the Technical Object like Equipment, Functional Location etc. Once Class is assigned to the technical object, all the characteristics will be available for that technical object. Afterwards, you can maintain the values of each characteristic individually in CL20N. Now suppose you have 2000 nos Electrical Motors in your plant area and one of the critical motor with Power Output = 30 KW, Current Rating = 45 Ampere and Operating Voltage = 440 Volts is under breakdown. It will take 4 days to repair it. In such cases you should search a similar motor in plant area with same technical ratings. In order to does that go to t code CL30N. On the main screen enter the Class name and Class type = 002 for equipment Then enter the characteristic values of Power, voltage and current and click on the Find initial Class button. This will open the list of all equipment with similar technical ratings. Now you can easily identify the non critical equipment and replace it with the motor which under breakdown. |
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