What are the differences between
technical object and catalog profile?
Technical object types is a way to define the type of machines, client has in their premises. This is a sort of classification for machines they use. For e.g. you can have 'Pumps' as technical object type and then with help of class & characteristics you can further classify into 'Centrifugal Pumps', 'Reciprocating', 'Gear', etc. Catalog profile is combination of catalog groups such as object parts, damage, cause, activities, tasks, etc. Catalog profile helps you to perform Root Cause Analysis in maintenance notifications. Once codes are set, you can then run PMIS reports also to perform damage analysis. You just need to activate a user exit, which will allow you to pick these catalog codes. For e.g., you can do analysis, how many machines have failed due to damage 'Broken'. Technical Object Structured Systems in SAP PM on which Maintenance Jobs are to be performed & assets needs to be maintained. Such as Functional Location & Equipment’s - For Example PUMP HOUSE can be a Functional location & various pumps lies in this PUMP HOUSE can be equipment. While creating these Technical objects we assign these to the corresponding Maintenance Plant in the Location Tab. Catalog profile This is the additional details in the Maintenance Prospective of various parts, reason of failures, probable solutions, activities to be done on the Technical Object which can be recorded in Maintenance Notifications and later can be used as historical data to do the various maintenance analysis. The process of creation are as below: 1. To create Master Data (Code groups ) for Various Catalogs TCode QS41 a. B - Object Type b. C - Type of Probable Damages c. 5 - Cause d. 2 - Task e. A - Activity 2. For Assigning these code groups to one catalog profile use SPRO T-Code OQN6 Where you can create a new catalog profile and assign the corresponding code groups. Now, you have to assign this Catalog Profile to your Technical Object use IE02 or IL02 Organization Tab --- for equipment and Functional location assignment respectively . Notes: This SAP PM configuration setting enables you to define the technical object types. Each equipment and functional location can be assigned to technical object type. Technical object type is mainly used to group the equipment of similar usage. The purpose for grouping of equipment helps in better reporting. IMG Path to Define technical object type: Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Basic Settings -> Technical Objects -> General Data -> Define Types of Technical Objects |
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