Production Order Creation |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Production Order Creation1) Which of the following statements regarding scheduling of production orders is correct?a. Production orders are always scheduled backwards. 2) When you convert a planned order into a production order, the system replaces the dependent requirements of the planned order by:a. Reservations 3) Which of the following information does the system take into account for the automatic assignment of a production version?a. Priority indicator 4) If multiple valid production versions exist for a manufactured material, which of the production versions is automatically assigned?a. The production version which was created most recently. 5) When executing collective planned order conversion, how does the system convert planned orders?a. The system summarizes several planned orders for the same materials into one production order. Answers to Production Order Creation FAQs1) Which of the following statements regarding scheduling of production orders is correct?Answer: b, c
2) When you convert a planned order into a production order, the system replaces the dependent requirements of the planned order by:Answer: a
3) Which of the following information does the system take into account for the automatic assignment of a production version?Answer: c, d
4) If multiple valid production versions exist for a manufactured material, which of the production versions is automatically assigned?Answer: c
5) When executing collective planned order conversion, how does the system convert planned orders?Answer: c
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