SAP PP Self-Test Certification Questions |
IntroductionSAP Production Planning (SAP PP) is a crucial module in SAP ERP, focusing on production processes, Bill of Materials (BOM), routing, work centers, and integration with other modules like Material Management (MM), Quality Management (QM), and Sales & Distribution (SD). This guide provides self-test certification questions with explanations to enhance your understanding of SAP PP.SAP PP Certification Questions and Answers1. Valid BOM Categories in SAP PPQuestion: Which of the following are valid BOM (Bill of Materials) categories?a) Inspection BOM b) Material BOM c) Equipment BOM d) Costing BOM ✅ Answer: b, c, d 2. What is a Group BOM?Question: A material BOM created without a plant is called ____.a) Reference BOM b) Master BOM c) Group BOM d) Master Group ✅ Answer: c - Group BOM Explanation:
3. What is a Recursive BOM?Question: If a Header Material is used as a BOM item in the same BOM, the BOM is referred to as:a) Repetitive BOM b) Alternative BOM c) Multiple BOM d) Flexible BOM e) Recursive BOM ✅ Answer: e - Recursive BOM Explanation:
4. What is a Super BOM?Question: Alternative BOMs grouped under one internal number are called ____.a) Multiple BOM b) Variant BOM c) Variable BOM d) Super BOM e) Header BOM ✅ Answer: d - Super BOM Explanation:
5. BOM is used for:Question: The Bill of Materials (BOM) is used for which of the following?a) MRP (Material Requirements Planning) b) Costing c) Inspection Data d) Sales & Distribution ✅ Answer: a, b, c, d Explanation:
6. Base Quantity in BOMQuestion: The Base Quantity in the BOM specifies ____.a) The amount of semi-finished product for which item quantities refer b) The quantity required for two or more finished products c) The amount of finished product for which item quantities refer d) The amount for which item quantities are not calculated ✅ Answer: a, b, c Explanation:
7. Work Center is Used InQuestion: Work Center is used in which of the following?a) Routing b) BOM c) Material Master d) Inspection Plans ✅ Answer: a, d Explanation:
8. Routing Contains Information AboutQuestion: Routing contains information on which of the following?a) Material Components b) Operations c) Capacity for Work Centers d) Inspection Characteristics ✅ Answer: a, b, c Explanation:
9. Alternative Sequences in RoutingQuestion: Alternative sequences in routing are created with reference to ____.a) Parallel Sequence b) Master Sequence c) Standard Sequence d) Reference Sequence ✅ Answer: b - Master Sequence Explanation:
10. Work Center FormulasQuestion: Work Center requires formulas for ____.a) Move Time b) Scheduling c) Capacity Requirements d) Cost Estimate Using Activities ✅ Answer: c - Capacity Requirements Explanation:
11. Identification of RoutingsQuestion: Routings are identified by ____.a) Routing Group b) Routing Status c) Group Counter Values d) Routing Group and Group Counter Values e) Status and Use ✅ Answer: d - Routing Group and Group Counter Values Explanation:
12. Work Center Cost Center AssignmentQuestion: Can a work center be assigned to more than one cost center at a time?✅ Answer: False Explanation:
13. SAP PP Integration with Other ModulesQuestion: The Production Planning (PP) module integrates with which SAP modules?a) Material Management b) Controlling c) Quality Management d) Sales & Distribution ✅ Answer: a, b, c, d Explanation:
14. Movement Type for Goods ReceiptQuestion: What is the movement type for Goods Receipt into Warehouse?a) 122 b) 123 c) 101 d) 102 ✅ Answer: c - 101 Explanation:
15. Movement Type for Transfer PostingQuestion: What is the movement type for Transfer Posting to Storage Location?a) 261 b) 301 c) 311 d) 305 ✅ Answer: c - 311 Explanation:
ConclusionThese SAP PP self-test certification questions help reinforce essential SAP Production Planning concepts, including BOM structures, Work Centers, Routing, Integration, and Material Movements. Mastering these topics will enhance your SAP PP expertise and prepare you for certification exams. |
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