What do mean by Claim Management In SAP PS?
Claims are used to: - Identify the persons or groups responsible for variances. - Defend against claims from third parties who your business responsible for a variance. Claim Management in SAP Project System enables you to document variances from the project plan, and to trigger and monitor follow-up actions. While your project is being executed, you may experience delivery problems, price variations, etc. that results in variances from the project plan. You must document these variances and clarify which contractual partners are responsible. Claim management ensures that a claim arising from variances is prepared and lodged against contractual partners at right time. Variances often incur increased costs. In general, the Claims are of 2 types 1. Claims on Vendor 2. Claims on Customer Example of Claim on Customer: You could have incurred some additional cost in the Project that you would like to claim from your Customer as per the contractual norms can be mapped using Claim Management. So you create a claim document in the system and maintain various information related to Claim: 1. Customer Details 2. Related Project ID ( WBS Element) 3. You can attached some documents to the Claim Document 4. What is Planned Cost 5. How much Customer has paid against that. Also, there are standard approval process to approve the
claim document.
Transaction Function CLM1 Create Claim CLM2 Change Claim CLM3 Display Claim CLM10 Claim Overview CLM11 Claim Hierarchy
Claim Management In SAP PS customizing is divided as follows: Notification Customizing This is where you stipulate the most important aspects of a claim, such as: Claim Management screen format - Claim partner - Catalogs and report profile for the claim - Priorities for the claim
Claim-specific Customizing - Codes for detailed long texts - Activating workflows for the claim The basic config steps are: Project System -> Claim -> Notification -> Notification creation -> Notification type -> Define Notification type Project System -> Claim -> Notification -> Notification creation -> Notification type -> Define Notification Number Range Project System -> Claim -> Notification -> Notification creation -> Notification type -> Define Screen Templates |
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