QM Related Material Movement


Quality Management (QM) in SAP plays a crucial role in ensuring product quality throughout the supply chain. One of the key aspects of QM is material movement, which includes stock transfers between different inventory statuses. This guide provides a detailed overview of QM-related material movement types, their corresponding movement numbers, and solutions for specific stock transfer scenarios.

QM Related Material Movement Types

Below is a table listing the possible movement types applicable to QM along with their descriptions:
Movement Type (MVT) Description
321 Transfer from Quality to Unrestricted Stock (TF Quality to Unr)
322 Transfer Reservation from Quality to Unrestricted Stock (TR Quality to Unr)
341 Transfer from Unrestricted to Restricted Stock
342 Transfer from Unrestricted to Restricted Stock
343 Transfer from Blocked to Unrestricted Stock
344 Transfer Reservation from Blocked to Unrestricted Stock
349 Transfer from Blocked to Quality Inspection Stock
350 Transfer Reservation from Blocked to Quality Inspection Stock
655 Goods Returns to Quality Inspection (QI)
656 Goods Returns to Quality Inspection (QI) - Reversal

Is It Possible to Perform Quality-to-Quality Stock Transfer in Usage Decision?

No, it is not possible to perform a direct quality-to-quality stock transfer through the Usage Decision (UD) stock posting. However, this can be achieved using Transaction QAC2 (Transfer Inspection Lot Quantity), which allows movement between:
  • Plant to Plant Transfers
  • Storage Location to Storage Location Transfers
This transaction provides a workaround for scenarios where stock needs to be transferred while maintaining its quality status.

Restricting Inspection Lot Creation for Movement Type 311


You are using Inspection Type 08 in the material master to trigger an inspection lot whenever a Storage Location (SLoc) to Storage Location movement occurs. By default, SAP creates an inspection lot irrespective of storage location. However, you want to restrict this functionality so that:
  • An Inspection Lot (Type 08) is generated only for specific locations when movement type 311 is used.
  • If the material is transferred between other locations, the system should not create an inspection lot.


Unfortunately, there is no standard solution in SAP for this requirement. However, a workaround exists:
  1. Create a Custom Movement Type (Z11)
    • Copy the 311 movement type and create a new movement type, e.g., Z11.
    • In this new movement type, deactivate QM in the configuration.
  2. Use Different Movement Types as Needed: 
    • When QM lots are required, use the 311 movement type.
    • When QM lots are not needed, use the Z11 movement type.
This method allows flexibility in determining when an Inspection Lot should be created based on storage locations.

Moving Stock from Quality Inspection to MTO Project Stock


Is there any movement type that allows stock transfer from Quality Inspection (QI) stock to Make-to-Order (MTO) project stock?


No, you cannot move quality inspection stock (plant stock) directly to project stock. Instead, follow these steps:
  1. Move the Quality Inspection Stock to Unrestricted Stock 
    • Use Movement Type 321 to transfer the stock from Quality Inspection to Unrestricted Stock.
  2. Transfer Unrestricted Stock to MTO Project Stock 
    • Use Movement Type 221 to consume the unrestricted stock for the MTO project.


1. What is the movement type for transferring stock from Blocked to Quality Inspection?

Use Movement Type 349 for transfer from blocked stock to quality inspection stock.

2. Can we restrict inspection lot creation for specific storage locations?

Yes, but only through a workaround. You can create a custom movement type (Z11) that deactivates QM and use it when you don’t want inspection lots.

3. Which transaction allows transferring stock within the Quality Inspection category?

Transaction QAC2 (Transfer Inspection Lot Quantity) enables transfers between plants or storage locations while maintaining quality status.

4. How to move quality inspection stock to unrestricted stock?

Use Movement Type 321 to transfer stock from Quality Inspection to Unrestricted Stock.

5. Is it possible to move Quality Inspection stock to Project stock directly?

No, you must first move Quality Inspection stock to Unrestricted stock (MVT 321), then transfer it to Project stock using MVT 221.

6. What is the movement type for returning goods to Quality Inspection stock?

Use Movement Type 655 to return goods to Quality Inspection stock, and 656 for the reversal.


Managing QM-related material movement in SAP requires a deep understanding of movement types and their corresponding functions. While some processes, such as restricting inspection lot creation or transferring stock to MTO projects, require custom workarounds, SAP provides standard movement types for most QM-related stock transfers. By leveraging the right movement types and transactions like QAC2, you can efficiently handle material movements while ensuring compliance with Quality Management requirements. 

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