No ABAP effort are
required for the SAP data migration. However, effort are required
to map the data into the structure according to the pre-determined format
as specified by the pre-written ABAP upload program of the LSMW.
The Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) is a tool recommended by SAP that you can use to transfer data once only or periodically from legacy systems into an R/3 System. More and more medium-sized firms are implementing SAP solutions, and many of them have their legacy data in desktop programs. In this case, the data is exported in a format that can be read by PC spreadsheet systems. As a result, the data transfer is mere child's play: Simply enter the field names in the first line of the table, and the LSM Workbench's import routine automatically generates the input file for your conversion program. The LSM Workbench lets you check the data for migration against the current settings of your customizing. The check is performed after the data migration, but before the update in your database. So although it was designed for uploading of legacy data it is not restricted to this use. We use it for mass changes, i.e. uploading new/replacement data and it is great, but there are limits on its functionality, depending on the complexity of the transaction you are trying to replicate. The SAP transaction code is 'LSMW' for SAP version 4.6x onwards, including the new ECC version 5, 6 etc and S/4HANA. The LSM Workbench carries out the following tasks:
You can have a look at the example of an upload data format for the Condition Pricing for Sales Order. |
LSMW Steps
LSMW Steps For Data Migration LSMW and FTP Upload Chinese Or Non English Characters LSMW To Update The Condition Records RV14BTCI Copy LSMW To Different Clients LSWM Material Master Description Error LSMW RV14BTCI Upload Sales Pricing Condition via VK15 Methods to Migrate Data
File Name and Path
HANA: LSMW No Physical Path is Configured for Logical File Name HANA: LSMW: Mass Update Equipment Partner Tab
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