Return material From customer
You need to receipt the rejected goods through SD Module (VA01 - Sales Order type RE). The steps are as follows : 1. Create a return request. (Using Sales Order in SD) 2. Create outbound delivery according to return request. 3. If the setting is correct in the outbound delivery screen SAP will automatically switch post goods issue button into post goods receipt. The setting is in sales order item category and delivery type. 4. In the standard system the movement type used is 651. 5. After post goods issues receipt is done using outbound delivery, the quantity is placed in blocked stock without value updating. 6. You will then decide if the return quantity are indeed bad stock or not. 7. Transfer Posting from block stock to unrestricted stock (mvt type 453), this will have accounting effect (Debit Inventory, Credit COGS) 8. Goods Issue to scrap account how to create new titles
which can be used in creating the "address" view on the Vendor master.{T-Code:
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