Have a SAPScript form with multiple
paragraphs. In the original version I put a footnote at the bottom of a
page by doing something like:
That worked correctly. Now I am changing the form so that a number of paragraphs may or may not appear at the bottom of the page. Since I don't know which paragraph may be first, I tried creating two new paragraphs: >/E START_BOTTOM
I call START_BOTTOM, then conditionally call whatever paragraphs are needed and finally call END_BOTTOM. The problem is that the paragraphs simply continue on from the last line that was printed, not at the end of the page. Had had also tried putting: >/E START_BOTTOM At the beginning of each paragraph that could appear at the end, and it worked to a point u2013 each paragraph appeared at the end, but overwrote whatever previous paragraphs were there. How to control the BOTTOM command?
Answer: Yes that's true, that Split in BOTTOM command doesn't work same as it works with the PROTECT.. ENDPROTECT. But, after some research I got success. Don't create any element in your MAIN window for BOTTOM / ENDBOTTOM. Use the FM WRITE_FORM_LINES to append entire BOTTOM .. ENDBOTTOM lines. Like: data: la_head like THEAD,
select single * from stxh into la_head
* Bottom Start
* Generic Text
* Include Text1
* Include Text1
* Bottom End
* Append lines to MAIN
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
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