A Step by Step Guide to the SAP PP Shop Floor Control Configurations

The SAP Production Shop Floor Control system allows you defines which material is to be processed, at which location, at what time and how much work is required. It also defines which resources are to be used and how the order costs are to be settled.

This Ebook will provide you with a step by step guide to the configuration of the Production Shop Floor Control System under the PP modules.

Table of Contents
IMG Menu The Starting Point 
An Overview of the SAP Production Orders 
The Bills of Materials in relation to the Shop Floor Production Order
Start of the SAP Production Order Configurations 
Define the Production Order Types 
How to configure the Production Order User Status? 
Where-is the Production Order Type used? 
Define the Production Order Type-dependent Parameters 
Define Checking Control 
Define Confirmation Parameters 
Define Scheduling Parameters for Production Orders 
Define Number Range 
Define selection profiles for the Order Information System 
Where-is the Selection Profile used? 
Define the Production Operations Control key 
Where-is the Control key used? 
Define formula parameters for Work Center 
Where-is the Work Center Formula Used? 
Define the Production Scheduling Profile 
Define Production Scheduler 
Where-is the Production Scheduling Profile and Production Scheduler Used? 
Define User Exits Selection 
Select Routing Automatically 
Where do you define the Usage and Status? 
Define Default Values If No Routing Exists 
Define Priorities for BOM Usages 
Define Applications for BOM Explode 
Define Alternative Determination for Production 
Define Checking Group 
Define Checking Rule 
Define Scope of Check 
Specify Scheduling Type 
Define Standard Value Keys 
Where-is the Standard Value Key used? 
Define Scheduling Margin Key 
Define Capacity Categories 
Where-is Capacity Categories used? 
Define Single Screen Entry for Time Ticket Confirmations 
Maintain Language-Dependent Texts 
Define Reasons for Variances for Production Scrap 
Where-is the Production Reason Code used? 
Define Print Control for Shop Floor Papers 
Appendix A: The Production Order Status Business Process Flow 
Appendix B: How to make enquiry on Open Production Orders?
Appendix C: What is Backflushing and Where is the Indicator Set? 

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