Actions Replacing The Previous Action

Step:1 There is action (conversion) record already exist with July 1, 2011

Step:2 Process another action (LOA) using same effective date (20110701) as Conversion record

Step:3 After saving the action

Step:4 The conversion record is over-written by the latest action key (LOA) (with same effective date). 

Actually It should display both records in IT 0000 overview. 


You can check the below steps for this kind of issue, its to do with additional action, below details may help you understand the same better:

Check table T77S0 for field EVSUP you have a '1'. Also, can you please check table T529A indicator U0302 is activated?

The cause of such issue might be that you have customized for the most action types in table T529A, the status fields. So if you create 2 actions on the same start date (BEGDA) and these 2 actions have entries in the status fields of table T529A, the infotype 0000-record of the first action will be deleted. The status fields for an action in T529A should only have values if these are important (for the actions New Hire, Re-entry in the company, Termination). So if you delete the entries of the status fields for one of the 2 actions, the infotype 0 record of the first record won't be deleted.

Infotype 0000 can contain only one event on the SAME DATE which CHANGES the status.

Infotype 0302 indicates:

"You can store several actions for an employee on one day. But only one is stored in infotype 0, the rest is stored in infotype 0302. If you set up the actions WITH priorities, obviously the action with the highest priority is stored in IT 0. If you do NOT specify prioritiesthen the sequenc of the table T529A is followed."

In customizing you determine which personnel action per day is stored in I0000 if you perform an additional action for the employee on the same day. As a rule, use Actions infotype for personnel actions that change the employees status (such as Leaving) which causes the employee's status to be changed from 'active' to 'left company'.

In the Additional Actions infotype, only action types and reasons are stored. This infotype does not log the data records created when performing a personnel action.

** You cannot perform two separate status-altering personnel actions for an employee on the same day, such as Leaving and Early Retirement. In this case, the already existing personnel action will be overwritten. Infotype 0000 still continues to have Time Constraint 1.

View V_529A_B contains only those personnel actions which are defined as non-status-altering in table T529A (that means fields T529A-STAT2 and T529A-STAT3 are set to blank).


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