You can logon to SAPNet -R/3
FrontEnd without using transaction OSS1. This way you don't have
to open an SAP session just to log on to SAPNet.
Here is how to do it: 1. Create the file "saproute.ini" under the %winnt% directory and add the following two entries: [Router] sapservX=/H/your-SAProuter-internal-IP-address/H/SAPServX-IP-address/H/ Example: sapserv4=/H/ is my SAP router's IP address. is SAPServ4's IP address. 2. Create the file "sapmsg.ini" under the %winnt% directory and add the following two entries: [Message Server] O01=oss001.wdf.sap-ag.de 3. Open the SAPLogon program (it is part of the SAP FrontEnd software -SAPGUI, on your PC). 4. Click on the "Groups" button. 5. Click on the down arrow for "SAP Router for" and select your SAPServX from the list. 6. Click on the "Generate list" button. 7. Select "1_PUBLIC" from the list of groups. 8. Click on the "Add and Logon" button. You're done! You can change the name of the SAPNet session in SAPLogon if you want to. No more typing OSS1! |
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