In transaction FD11
which are the source tables for getting open items net values.
Regarding Open Items Net value is arrived from table BSID. Arrears calculated based on Function Module "DETERMINE_DUE_DATE" through passing data of "Document Date in Document" and "Cash discount days 1". For other details FD11 Transaction took from these tables: KNB4 - Customer Payment History KNC1 - Customer master (transaction figures) KNC3 - Customer master (special G/L transaction figures)
Comparing data with SAP SD table Recently, one of the Finance user make a data comparison using FI tcode FD11 - Sales tab. They used the data from billing table of a customized abap report which extract information from table S708. The user question why the total sales amount was different from their FI tcode FD11. After some simulation of the customized report, it was found that the report was extracting data with either of the key fields: S708 - Invoice Detail S708-PKUNAG - Sold-to party S708-PKUNRE - Bill-to party Eventually, it was found that the Customer code use in FD11 was actually the Partner field Payer. Therefore, the solution was to request for the Logistics report to be changed to include the field selection for Payer. VBRK - Billing Document: Header Data VBRK-KUNRG - Payer S708-KUNRG - Payer FD11 - Default Screen Customer - Payer field |
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