These are just simulated Financial
Accounting Questions to self-test your knowledge.
1. What Customizing transaction will activate the New
General Ledger? Choose all that apply.
2. After Activating the New GL, what following changes
will take place? Choose all that apply.
A. There will be new Paths for New GL in addition to existing
(Old) GL.
B. Conventional Financial Accounting Paths will remain
at their present form.
C. Old paths can be eliminated by running RFAGL_SWAP_IMG_OLD
D. Old paths can be eliminated by running FIGL_SWAP_IMG_NEW
3. What will be the new ledger definitions after the
activation? Choose all that apply.
A. Control Parameters (as before) will be from company
B. The leading ledger will manage local currency(s) assigned
to company code.
C. New GL will use the same Fiscal Year Variant and Posting
Period Variant that is assigned to company code.
D. There will be or can be multiple leading ledgers.
E. If multiple ledgers are used, values from all the
ledgers can be posted on to CO.
4. Choose the correct answer(s).
A. After activation, Financial Accounting Document will
have two views: the entry view and the GL View. True / False
B. Entry View will be the same in sub-ledgers (AR / AR
/ AA / Taxes). True / False
C. The way the document will appear in General Ledger
view will be the same as Entry view. True / False
D. There will be no extra views on documents and no changes
will be made. True / False
5. Pre-closing activities that begin in the old month
A. Open new accounting period
B. Foreign currency valuations and financial statement
C. Enter accruals/deferrals, process recurring entries
and bad debt expense in AR, post depreciation and interest expenses in
asset accounting
D. Creation of external and internal reports
6. Which of the following are “special items” in financial
statement version?
A. Profit and loss results
B. Expenses
C. Accounts not assigned
D. Notes to financial statement
7. The depreciation position program RAPOST2000 can
be used to record the following:
A. Ordinary (book and cost-accounting) depreciation
B. Tax special depreciation or the allocation and write
off of reserves for special depreciation on the basis of tax special depreciation
C. Unplanned depreciation (or other manually planned
D. Imputed interest
E. APC revaluation below/above the accumulated depreciation
8. Which of the following are required settings for
foreign currency valuation.
A. Define exchange rates
B. Define valuation methods
C. Define expense and revenue accounts for exchange rate
D. Specify balance sheet adjustment accounts for receivables
and payables.
9. The Accrual Engine can be used for the following
A. Lease accounting
B. Provisions for awards
C. Automatic accruals in financial accounting
D. Intellectual property management
10. The ‘posting period’ can be defined for each
A. Company code
B. Accounting principle
C. Posting period variant
D. Accrual type
1. B
2. A, B and C
3. A, B and C
4. A, B and D
5. A and C
B and D are closing activities.
6. A, C and D
7. All of the above
8. All of the above
9. A, B and D
The Accrual Engine can be used for manual
accruals in financial accounting, in addition to the above.
10 A, B and D |