3.1 Master Data
G/L Account Master Data Create one chart of account per company.
3.2 Bank Master Data Enter the house banks and the related bank accounts for
the respective company codes.
3.3 Customer Master Records Maintenance of customer master records is decentralized. Sales department first creates the customer master and they establish the customer number to be used. The accounting department is then responsible to extend this record to include the financial information. One of the project team members is the Credit Manager. He/she will determine the appropriate credit information for the credit controlling areas. 3.3.1 Account Groups For regular customers create master records using external alphanumeric number ranges. For the one time customers create one master record for the Philippines and one for US. For the line item display for one-time accounts, sort by name and city. Use field selection for the regular customer account group
to control the following:
The following reconciliation accounts should be allocated to the individual customers:
The following Incoterms are currently used by ABC Motors International and AMI Ltd.: CIF Costs, insurance, freight
Payment Terms The following payment terms are currently used: PT01 8 days 5%
PT02 14 days 3%
PT01 is used by the ABC Motors International head offices and payment term PTO2 applies to all other customers (including trade industry) 3.3.4 Customers The allocation of customers to sales organizations is determined by the assigned country and city listed in the customers’ master record. The customer listed below are interested in all product groups of ABC Motors International. The following customer represents the Cebu subsidiary.
It is used for inter-company sales of finished goods:
The following companies represent the customers (wholesalers
and retailers) that ABC Motors International and AMI Marketing sells their
products to:
3.4 Material Master Records Because of our commitment to quality, we have begun tracking changes to our key materials and products. We would like to see this practice continue through a change management facility that is built into the system. We currently group changes by engineering/ design project numbers. 3.4.1 Finished Products
3.4.2 Accessories The product assortment includes accessories (trading goods)
in number range 5. These items are only bought and sold and are not used
in any way for production. The following materials are to be considered.
3.4.3 Material Types In ABC Motors International, the following material types
are used, with the corresponding number ranges.
3.4.4 Material Groups For control and reporting purposes, ABC Motors International
has decided on the following material groups:
3.4.5 Additional Information for Sales Department The material master for finished goods is partially maintained. The sales department must maintain additional information. The maintenance consists of the following:
Vendor master maintenance for trade vendors are maintained centrally by Purchasing Department while maintenance of non-trade vendor masters is maintained by Accounting. 3.5.1 Account Groups ABC Motors International normally purchases from a few, regulated suppliers. Where circumstances warrant, the occasional use of additional suppliers is possible. By policy, ABC Motors International will deal with these occasional vendors using the system’s one –time vendor capability. Account groups and number range information for vendors
is in the following table:
Other than for the one-time accounts, ABC Motors International will use internal number assignment. In order to facilitate reporting and control, there should be two one-time vendor accounts: one for foreign and one for the domestic suppliers. The field status for the account groups should reflect a mandatory field for payment method. The following reconciliation accounts should be used as appropriate. Local vendors payable
For the line item display for one- time- accounts, sort by name and city. 3.5.2 Vendors The following vendor master records need to be defined.
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