What are the dictionary tables used to monitor a database
Can a property clause itself be based on a property clause? Yes If a parameter is used in a query without being previously defined, what diff. exist between. report 2.0 and 2.5 when the query is applied? While both reports 2.0 and 2.5 create the parameter, report 2.5 gives a message that a bind parameter has been created. What are the sql clauses supported in the link property sheet? Where start with having. What is trigger associated with the timer? When-timer-expired. What are the trigger associated with image items? When-image-activated fires when the operators double clicks on an image itemwhen-image-pressed fires when an operator clicks or double clicks on an image item. What are the different windows events activated at runtimes? When_window_activated
When do you use data parameter type? When the value of a data parameter being passed to a called product is always the name of the record group defined in the current form. Data parameters are used to pass data to products invoked with the run_product built-in subprogram. What is difference between open_form and call_form? When one form invokes another form by executing open_form the first form remains displayed, and operators can navigate between the forms as desired. when one form invokes another form by executing call_form, the called form is modal with respect to the calling form. That is, any windows that belong to the calling form are disabled, and operators cannot navigate to them until they first exit the called form. What is new_form built-in? When one form invokes another form by executing new_form oracle form exits the first form and releases its memory before loading the new form calling new form completely replace the first with the second. If there are changes pending in the first form, the operator will be prompted to save them before the new form is loaded. What is the "LOV of Validation" Property of an item? What is the use of it? When LOV for Validation is set to True, Oracle Forms compares the current value of the text item to the values in the first column displayed in the LOV. Whenever the validation event occurs. If the value in the text item matches one of the values in the first column of the LOV, validation succeeds, the LOV is not displayed, and processing continues normally. If the value in the text item does not match one of the values in the first column of the LOV, Oracle Forms displays the LOV and uses the text item value as the search criteria to automatically reduce the list. What is the diff. when Flex mode is mode on and when it is off? When flex mode is on, reports automatically resizes the parent when the child is resized. What is the diff. when confine mode is on and when it is off? When confine mode is on, an object cannot be moved outside its parent in the layout. What are visual attributes? Visual attributes are the font, color, pattern proprieties that you set for form and menu objects that appear in your application interface. Which of the two views should objects according to possession? View by structure. What are the two types of views available in the object navigator(specific to report 2.5)? View by structure and view by type . What are the vbx controls? Vbx control provide a simple method of building and enhancing user interfaces. The controls can use to obtain user inputs and display program outputs.vbx control where originally develop as extensions for the ms visual basic environments and include such items as sliders, rides and knobs. What is the use of transactional triggers? Using transactional triggers we can control or modify the default functionality of the oracle forms. How do you create a new session while open a new form? Using open_form built-in setting the session option Ex. Open_form('Stocks ',active, session). What are the ways to monitor the performance of the report? Use reports profile executable statement. Use SQL trace facility. If two groups are not linked in the data model editor, What is the hierarchy between them? Two group that is above are the left most rank higher than the group that is to right or below it. An open form cannot be execute the call_form procedure if you chain of called forms has been initiated by another open form? True. Explain about horizontal, Vertical tool bar canvas views? Tool bar canvas views are used to create tool bars for individual windows. Horizontal tool bars are display at the top of a window, just under its menu bar. Vertical Tool bars are displayed along the left side of a window. |