What is work breakdown structure?
WBS is a hierarchical outline of an undertaking described in the project definition. The work breakdown structure (WBS) is the basis for the organization and coordination of a project. A WBS consists of WBS
elements. The WBS elements describe tasks or subtasks in the project
to perform within a defined time period.
Where can WBS user status be used? Work Breakdown Structure user status can be defined for: - Project_definitions - WBS elements - Network headers and network activities
How to define the status profiles? SPRO -> Project System -> Structures -> Operative Structures -> Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - WBS User Status -> Create Status Profile You can define status profiles with these steps. 1. Enter a Status Profile. 2. Assign the status profile to an Object Type. 3. Define the User Status. 4. Assign Business Transactions to user statuses. 5. Translate the status profile and user statuses.
How to define the authorization key for WBS? SPRO -> Project System -> Structures -> Operative Structures -> Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - WBS User Status -> Define Authorization Key for Work Breakdown Structure You can define authorization keys which you use to set up authorization checks when you manually set or delete a user status. When the system sets a user status as a reaction to business transaction, it does not perform an authorization check. When you set or delete a user status, the system checks whether the user is authorized for this action. In addition to the status profile and the object type, the system also checks the authorization key assigned to the user status in question. For example: You want to define that certain user statuses can be changed only by a specified employee group. To do this, create an authorization key and assign it to the relevant user statuses. In the general authorization maintenance you can then assign authorizations for this key via the authorization object B_USERSTAT. Steps to define the WBS authorization key. 1. Check whether you want to define authorizations for your user statuses. 2. If necessary, create authorization keys as follows: a) Choose "New entries". b) Enter a key and an explanatory text in the appropriate fields and choose "Save". You have now created the authorization key. 3. Assign the authorization key to one or more user statuses in your status profile. 4. Define corresponding authorizations and include them in the relevant authorization profiles. |
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