How To Use Condition Exclusion
Type In SO
What is meant by condition exclusion
for Condition types and records?
Condition Exclusion The system can exclude conditions so that they are not taken into account during pricing in sales documents. Material 4711 costs 150 USD. Some customers receive a discount of 10 USD per 100 pieces. However, a specific customer can buy the material for 100 USD. Since this is a particularly good price, the customer should not also have a discount of 10 USD per 100 pieces. Therefore, this discount is to be excluded from pricing. To do this, you must follow two steps: You must set a condition exclusion indicator for the price. You can do this in two ways: If you want to set the condition exclusion indicator a follows then you specify it: - for all condition records of a condition type (e.g. with condition type PR00) when defining a condition type in SD Customizing - for an individual condition record (e.g. only for material 4711) in the detail screen of a condition record (in the Condition exclusion field) You must set a condition for the discount in the pricing procedure in Customizing for sales. If this condition is set, the discount is not valid if the condition exclusion indicator is set. Condition 2 is available in the standard R/3 System. The condition exclusion indicator is not valid for condition supplements. This means that if a condition record contains condition supplements they will be taken into account during pricing. Condition Exclusion Group – In any normal situation there could be more than one condition type in a pricing procedure offering a discount to a customer. Should the discounts be automatically determined, there is the risk that the customer will receive all the relevant discounts and thus purchase the product for a lower price than he should. By using ‘condition exclusion groups’ you can ensure that the customer does not receive all the discounts, but instead only receives the best of the available discount condition types. Menu path – IMG - Sales & Distribution - Basic functions – pricing – condition exclusion – condition exclusion for groups of conditions (OV31). A condition exclusion group is merely a grouping of condition types that are compared to each other during pricing and result in the exclusion of particular condition types within a group or entire groups. It is important to note that the condition types you want the system to compare must exist in the pricing procedure and must have valid condition records created for them. If for example, a sales order is created using the pricing procedure that the exclusion group is assigned to, you can see that the condition offering the most favorable discount to the customer is represented in the pricing procedure. For instance, condition type K007 has offered a discount of 10% off the sale price or a real value of $30, while another condition type K005 has offered a real value discount of $10. The system then takes the best discount for the customer between the two, which is K007 and makes the other discount K005 inactive. This can be seen by double clicking on the condition type K005, where you can find a entry saying ‘Inactive A condition exclusion item’. There are four possible methods of using condition exclusion groups – A – best condition between the condition types B – best condition within the condition types C – best condition between the two exclusion groups D – exclusive E – least favorable within the condition type F – least favorable within the two exclusion groups Configuring ‘Condition Exclusion Groups’ First step is to define a ‘condition exclusion group’ by using a four character alpha numeric key. Next step is to assign the relevant condition types to the exclusion groups such as discount condition types, freight condition types. After completing the assignment of the condition types to the exclusion group, proceed with assigning the condition exclusion group to the relevant pricing procedure. After selecting the pricing procedure for which you want the condition exclusion to be active, select the folder ‘Exclusion’ where you can assign the relevant condition exclusion procedure to the relevant condition exclusion group. When using the condition exclusion group to find the best condition record in a condition type – only use one condition type per exclusion group. The most important thing to remember here is to “deactivate” the Exclusive Indicator on the access sequence assigned to that condition type. Otherwise, the system will merely find the first condition record and stop searching for other records.
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