Schedule VF04 For Individual
Billing Run
How to schedule billing to be run automatically? You can create individual Billing documents in VF04, with out any saving of each and every billing document. Select all the deliveries which you want to create billing documents, using Cntr Button, and click on individual billing. Then all the deliveries will go for billing individually in a single run. And you can also see all the billing documents numbers, which are created. No need to select single delivery each time. If you want to do a batch job for billing, proceed for the following process 1. goto VF04, in the selection screen Delivery document range, for which you want to create billing documents e.g., in SD Document field, give delivery 1 to 10. 2.Now Click on GOTO -> Variant -> Save as Variant, then it will take you to another screen, give the variant name, e.g., test, and save it. 3. goto SM36, this is used to do batch job, if you dont know any thing also, you can do the entire process, using JOB WIZARD, click on Job Wizard which is on the screen. 4. It will take you to different steps, just you need to give your variant name, (in job name field) (in the first screen) the continue for further steps, In the ABAP Progamme Name give SDBILLDL, (this is the programme used to create billing documents) continue to give the specified time which you want to run this batch job, like immediate, after an hour, or a specific day like so. 5. Continue further to complete the task, now you batch job will run at a specified time which you mentioned, if you mentioned as immediately, then once you comple this process, your vairant will run, and billing documents will be created. 6. Plese ensure that all the deliveries are perfect, meaning there is no billing block or any thing. You can check the status of your
batch job using t. code SM37.
Difference between the RSNAST00 and SDBILLDL program. RSNAST00 is a program which is related to output related activities. Using this program, we can schedule the creation of outputs (PDFs, email etc) in total for any document created in any of the applications. The details are read and stored in the database table NAST. The same program is customised for each applications using programs like SD70AV1A which are also used for the same purpose but only for sales orders. SDBILLDL is the program for Billing due list. This program finds out all the orders or deliveries or both which are due for billing and it will trigger the billing creation. It reads tables like VBAK, VBAP, VBUK, VBUP, LIKP, LIPS etc and the created billing documents are stored in tables VBRK, VBRP.
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