Short SAP SD Questions and Answers 3

1. What is a Change Request and Task in SAP SD?

A Change Request in SAP SD refers to a request generated when making new customizations or configurations in the system. When a user modifies settings, the system prompts for a change request, allowing the user to assign a name or accept the system-generated request. 


A request may look like VEDK-2785467, where: 
  • VEDK represents the client's system name.
  • 2785467 is the system-generated request number.

Steps to Release a Change Request:

  1. Use T-code SE10 to view requests.
  2. Go to the modifiable section.
  3. Release the internal request number first.
  4. Release the external request number afterward.
  5. Basis team processes the request using T-code SM64 in a batch process.

Understanding Task in SAP SD:

A Task represents a specific customization activity under a change request. It includes the modifications made and is essential for tracking configuration changes. 

2. What is Your Client Number in an SAP Project?

Like the 800 client in IDES (SAP's demo system), every SAP implementation has multiple client numbers assigned for different project stages. 

Example of Client Numbers in an SAP Implementation:

Client Number Server Type Purpose
291 Sand Box Server Initial testing scenarios
292 Development Server Contains client data for configuration
294 Testing Server For testing developed scenarios
295 Golden Master Server Final quality and testing before production
296 Production Server Live system with real-time transactions

Each server plays a vital role in SAP implementation phases, ensuring a smooth transition from development to production.

3. Common Client Requirements for SAP SD Implementation

Clients often have unique customer master, material master, organizational structure, and transactional needs

Key Requirements in SAP SD Implementation:

  • Custom Reports & Queries: Designed to match business processes.
  • BPO Involvement: Business Process Owners (BPOs) define specifications for each module.
  • User Role Management: 
    • Entry-level users: Create sales orders, deliveries, and billings.
    • Mid-level users: Edit and approve transactions.
    • Supervisors: Higher access to reports and modifications.
    • Management: Limited to higher-level reports (e.g., plant heads, general managers).

Authorization Restrictions:

Not all users can perform every transaction. SAP roles and authorizations define access, ensuring data security and process integrity.

4. How to Restrict Users from Editing Fields in VA02?

Method 1: Using Transaction Variant (SHD0)

  • Create a transaction variant via SHD0.
  • Define which fields should be non-editable.
  • Assign the new variant to specific users.


  • Implement a user-exit in MV45AFZZ.
  • Assign authorization objects to restrict access based on user roles.
Note: Transaction variants are easier for minor changes, while user-exits provide more flexibility but require ABAP development.

5. How to Delete Sales Orders and Cancel Invoices in SAP SD?

Deleting a Sales Order in SAP SD:

Use T-code VA02 to delete a sales order only if no subsequent document exists (e.g., delivery, invoice). 

Cancelling an Invoice in SAP SD:

  1. Use T-code VF11 to cancel the invoice.
  2. Reverse the goods issue with T-code VL09.
  3. Modify the picking quantity to zero in the delivery document.
  4. Delete the delivery order via VL02N.

Can You Delete an Invoice in SAP SD?

No, you cannot delete an invoice. You can only cancel it using VF11, provided that:
  • The accounting document is not generated.
  • FI (Finance) team reverses or deletes the accounting document.
  • Any tax documents linked to the invoice are also reversed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the T-code for Change Request in SAP SD?

The main transaction codes are:
  • SE10 – Transport Organizer for managing change requests.
  • SM64 – Used by Basis team for batch release of requests.

Q2. What is the Role of Business Process Owners (BPOs) in SAP SD?

BPOs define functional requirements, ensuring customization meets business needs and authorizing user roles.

Q3. How to Track Sales Order Changes in SAP SD?

Use T-code VA02 and check the "Changes" log to track modifications made to a sales order.

Q4. What Happens If You Cancel an Invoice in SAP SD?

  • The invoice is canceled, but not deleted.
  • You must reverse all subsequent documents (goods issue, accounting entries, etc.).

Q5. How to Assign User Authorization for Sales Orders?

  • Define roles in PFCG.
  • Assign authorization objects for VA01 (create), VA02 (edit), and VA03 (display).

Q6. What is the Difference Between Golden Master Server and Production Server?

  • Golden Master Server (295): Final testing and validation before production.
  • Production Server (296): Live system where real-time business transactions occur.


Understanding change requests, client numbers, user restrictions, and transaction handling in SAP SD is crucial for effective system management. These concepts ensure that SAP SD implementations are structured, secure, and aligned with business needs.

For a successful SAP SD project, proper configuration, authorization control, and structured process flow are essential to avoid data inconsistencies and security breaches.



See Also

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SAP SD Books  - Certification, Interview Questions and Configuration

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