Configuration of the Sales document
type - T-code VOV8
By: Raymond The IMG Menu path: IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Header -> Define Sales Document Type. If require by your business, Copy the sales document types and make necessary changes. e.g. from standard sales order type OR to ZOR A) Title section - Naming and type of Sales document 1) Name - Maintain the name of Sales document type 2) SD category - Maintain Type of document type - Inquiry, quotation, contract etc. 3) Indicator – Sub-classification - Maintain this indicator - delivery order, Invoice correction request etc. for analysis and reporting. Will be displayed in Table TVAK only. This would not be displayed in Sales document. 4) SD block - Select the parameter
if you want to block from processing this document type.
B) Number system - In this section numbering of sales documents item are controlled. 1) Internal number assignment - Maintain this number range if you want system to generate the number for sales documents. Maintain the configuration number range in VN01. 2) External no. assignment - Maintain user has to enter - VN01 3) Item no increment - Maintain value 4) Sub-item increment - Maintain
value if have BOM or other sub-items.
C) General control - This controls overall sales document. 1) Reference mandatory-select choice - If you want any order to be created with reference to other document like Inquire, quotation etc.. If you maintain value here, system will not allow you to create Sales document without particular reference. 2) Check division - if item division and s order header (customer master) is different - gives error, warning etc.. This is useful for cross division sales. 3) Probability - sales probability - customer confirming inquiry/quotation- useful for estimation of transfer of requirement and analysis later. 4) Credit check limit and credit group - if credit management active, setting is required - select the option 5) Output application - selects the output procedure for sales, define in NACE. 6) Material entry type - useful for sales from catalogue- retail/internet sales 7) Item division - proposed from material master or sales document header. Useful for cross division sales 8) Read info record - reads data from customer material information 9) Check purchase order no and enter PO number - useful for order against multiple PO and Enter PO no - If it is marked, system won't allow you to save sales order without PO no. 10) Commitment date - Maintain the
value here if you different type of sales documents and committed quantities
D) Transaction flow - This sections maintain values for activities for sales order transaction. 1) Screen sequence group - Different screen group different doc types-. 2) Incompleteness procedure - Maintain Incompleteness procedure for sales order you have defined in T-code OVA2 3) Transaction group-controls type of transaction you can process for documents types - VA01 cannot be used to create inquiry; it is useful for reporting later 4) Document pricing procedure - Maintain the values as per requirement. It is mandatory to decide pricing procedure in sale order. 5) Status profile - user status - define sequence for user status- IF you business requirement like somebody to authorize release the sales order as per certain criteria. 6) Alternate sale document type 1 and 2 - can change selection of s.doc type in sales order 7) Transaction variant - required when include this document in Batch processing 8) Display range - select the option as per your requirement 9) F-code for overview screen - maintain selection to get default overview screen- customer material info 10) Quotation message - checks for open quotation 11) Outline agreement message - check for outline agreement and authorized partner for release order 12) Master contract message info - in contract creation - checks with master contract 13) Product attribute message - select the option to check that ship-to-party accept the product attribute entered manually in the order 14) Incompleteness message - tick
if want system to advises to save the incomplete message
E) Scheduling agreement - This section controls setting of scheduling agreement created with reference to this document type. 1) Correspondent delivery type - selects the delivery type 2) Usage - enter selection if you are using same material as main item and spare parts 3) MRP for delivery schedule type - select the MRP type 4) Delivery block - if items does
not meet tolerance limit in sales order it block the order
F) Shipping - This section controls settings for shipping activities and documents triggered from this Sales document type. 1) Delivery type - proposes delivery type - do not maintain for inquiry and quotation 2) Delivery block - Maintain the block in case of free of charge sales- some body has to check the quantity before dispatch 3) Shipping condition - Maintain the values - this precedes the value maintained in customer master 4) Shipment cost profile - Maintain the value if you require to shipment cost, 5) Immediate delivery - Maintain
value as per your requirement
G) Billing - This section controls settings for billing related functions and documents triggered from this Sales document type. 1) Delivery related billing type - Maintain value if items are delivery related 2) Order related billing type - Maintain value if item is not delivery relevant 3) Intercompany Billing type - Maintain value for Intercompany billing process 4) Billing Block - Maintain value as per your requirement-if somebody to check 5) Condition type line items - Maintain value considering Pricing in sales order. 6) Billing Plan type - In case of Milestone/Periodic billing you need to maintain this value. 7) Payment Guarantee procedure - Maintain the value as per settings in Risk management 8) Payment Card Plan type and checking
group - These values to be maintained if you are working with payment card
processing functionality.
H) Requested delivery date/Pricing date/Purchase order date - This section controls settings for delivery lead time, Pricing date and PO date. 1) Lead time in days - value in this field proposes requested delivery date in Sales order after current date. 2) Date type - date format for schedule line internally picked up by the system. 3) Proposed pricing date based on requested delivery date-Value maintain here control pricing date in sales order. 4) Proposed valid date - Maintain value for quotation 5) Proposed delivery date - System automatically proposes as current date as proposed delivery date 6) P O Date - Proposal for Purchase
order date.
I) Contract - This section controls settings for Master Contract and Lower level Contract. 1) Pricing procedure for contract conditions at Header level and Item level - If you have header/item level pricing procedure, maintain the values 2) Contract Profile - Maintain value for defined contract profile in VOVR 3) Billing request - Maintain the value for proposed release order 4) Group referencing procedure - Maintain the value for Grouping of contract in case of Master contract configure. 5) Contract data allowed for Sales document type - Maintain the appropriate indicator for contract data can be entered into particular sales document type and changes made to contract header data affects item data. 6) Activity type for actions procedure - This field is useful for configure for rental contract, you need follow up actions. 7) Proposal for subsequent order type - Enter particular order type proposed from contract for subsequent processing 8) Check partner authorization - This field most useful when you have different partners involved in contract creation and authorized to create release order against contract. Maintain appropriate value. 9) Update lower level contract -
On/off - Maintain this switch when you effected changes in Master contract
flow into lower level contract.
J) Availability Check - This section control availability check settings in SAP APO system. |
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