Understanding "Alt Cal Type," "Alt Base Value," and the "Requirement" Field in SAP Pricing Procedures

In SAP's pricing procedures, fields such as Alternate Calculation Type (Alt Cal Type), Alternate Condition Base Value (Alt Base Value), and the Requirement field play critical roles in determining how prices are calculated. These fields allow for flexibility in pricing logic, enabling businesses to apply custom calculations beyond standard SAP pricing rules. 

1. What is an Alternative Calculation Type (Alt Cal Type)?

SAP uses predefined calculation types (addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.) to determine condition values. However, in cases where standard calculation methods are insufficient, SAP allows businesses to define custom calculation routines via an Alternative Calculation Type

How It Works
- Standard Calculation: The system follows predefined rules to compute the condition value.
- Alternative Calculation: A custom logic overrides the standard rule, applying an externally determined formula or percentage. 

Example Scenario
Let’s assume:
- A condition type ZZ01 has a maintained value of $100.
- A discount condition type ZZ02 applies 10%

Standard Calculation:
100 + (10% × 100) = 110 

Using an Alternate Calculation Type:
Instead of applying the 10%, we override it with an externally determined 20%

100 + (20% × 100) = 120 

Use Cases for Alternate Calculation Types
- When pricing depends on complex formulas (e.g., freight charges based on volume, weight, or other non-standard factors).
- When an external system determines certain pricing components.
- When companies want customized calculations based on specific business rules. 

2. What is an Alternative Condition Base Value (Alt Base Value)?

The Alternative Base Value determines the calculation basis for condition values. Normally, SAP uses the standard price (e.g., PR00) to calculate conditions, but there are situations where a different base is required. 

Example Scenario
Let’s assume:
- Condition type ZZ01 has a maintained value of $100.
- A discount condition type ZZ02 applies 10%.
- The original base value is $100, but we want to use $90 (PR00 price instead of list price) as the base. 

Using an Alternate Base Value:
Instead of using $100 as the base, we instruct SAP to use $90

100 + (10% × 90) = 109 

3. Understanding the Requirement Field in SAP Pricing Procedures

The Requirement Field in the pricing procedure controls when a condition is applied. If the specified requirement is not met, SAP does not retrieve the condition record. 

Example Scenario
Let’s say we have a requirement that a condition should only be applied if the order is in a foreign currency

- Condition: Pricing condition applies only for international orders.
- Requirement Assigned: The system checks if the order is in a foreign currency before applying the condition.
- Effect: If the order is in local currency, the condition is skipped. 

4. Key Takeaways

Field Purpose Example Use Case
Alternative Calculation Type (Alt Cal Type) Overrides the standard calculation formula (e.g., % instead of fixed amount) Applying a custom discount formula
Alternative Base Value (Alt Base Value) Defines a different base for the condition calculation Applying taxes or discounts on a different base price
Requirement Field Ensures conditions apply only when certain criteria are met Pricing conditions only for foreign currency orders

5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Can I use both Alternative Base Value and Alternative Calculation Type together?
Yes, combining both allows for maximum pricing flexibility, enabling custom base values and alternative calculation methods simultaneously. 

Q2: When should I use a Requirement Field?
Use it when you want to restrict condition application based on predefined conditions, such as customer type, order value, or currency

Q3: Can Alternative Base Value be used for tax calculations?
Yes, you can use it to apply tax on a different base value, such as the net price instead of the gross price


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