The storage section indicator divides materials
into groups with the same characteristic attributes. The indicator is used
to assign certain material groupings to certain storage sections. This
enables us to implement the picking strategies effectively
IMG Path: SPRO -> Logistics Execution -> Warehouse Management -> Strategies-> Activate Storage Section Search -> Define Storage Section Indicator Transaction Code: SPRO/ SM30 Table/View: T304 / V_T304 Storage Section Search Flow In the Warehouse Management System (WMS), a storage section is found in the following manner: 1. If the WMS is to search for a suitable storage section, it first searches for a suitable storage type. The storage type is determined during the storage type search. 2. If the system has found a suitable storage type, it then determines the corresponding putaway strategy. It finds this information in the "Storage type" table. 3. Now the system must "know" into which storage section the material is to be placed. The table "Storage section search", which you are setting here, provides this information. This table contains a preference list for the storage sections into which the materials should preferably be stored. The system first searches for a bin in the first storage section. If it does not find a bin there, it continues its search in the second section, and so on. 4. In addition, you can influence the storage section search using the following indicators: - storage section indicator from the material master
The WMS only takes the indicators "Storage class" and "Water pollution class" into account if Hazardous Material Management has been activated. 5. In the WMS, you can enter the storage bins for putaway
manually. In this case, the system checks whether the bin you have
entered is in a storage section that is allowed for the material concerned.
Requirement Setup Set the required parameters for the "Storage section check" in the sequence specified: 1. Storage section indicator You can assign a storage section indicator to each material.
This indicator enables you to have materials placed into storage in special
storage sections.
For each storage section indicator, you can have up to ten storage sections in one storage type. During putaway, the system first looks for a bin in the first storage section; if it does not find a suitable bin here, it goes on to the next section, and so on. |
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