1. The outbound delivery
plant for each item is defined in the order. The system can automatically
determine the outbound delivery plant. Identity the highest priority outbound
delivery plant in descending priority order?
a) Outbound delivery plant defined in material master, Outbound delivery plant defined in ship-to party master record, Outbound delivery plant defined in Customer material information master record. b) Outbound delivery plant defined in ship-to party master record, Outbound delivery plant defined in Customer material information master record, Outbound delivery plant defined in material master. c) Outbound delivery plant defined in Customer material information master record, Outbound delivery plant defined in ship-to party master record, Outbound delivery plant defined in material master. d) Outbound delivery plant defined
in Customer material information master record, Outbound delivery plant
defined in ship-to party master record, Outbound delivery plant defined
in material master.
2. What happens when no storage location for picking is specified in the order item? (more than one option is correct) a) The system determines the storage
location when it creates the outbound delivery and copies it into the delivery
3. What is the goods movement status of the outbound delivery after a goods issue has been cancelled? a) Cancelled
--- Correct Answers 1) d Explanation: 1. The system locates a customer material information master record and an outbound delivery plant is defined there, this plant is proposed with the highest priority for the order item. 2. If no customer information master record exists or if no plant is maintained there, the system determines the outbound delivery plant from the ship-to-party master record. 3. If no plant is maintained in the ship-to-party master record either, the system accesses the material master record. The responsible shipping point is determined for each order item. The system automatically proposes a shipping point that you can change within given limits. The shipping point depends on the following criteria: 1. The delivering plant that is determined for each order item (from the customer-material info record, the ship-to-party record, or the material master record). 2. The shipping requirements (for example, express) contained in the “Shipping Conditions” field 3. The required loading equipment contained in the “Loading Group” field in the material master. The shipping condition is proposed from the sales document type if a shipping condition has been assigned to it. If not, the shipping condition is proposed from the master record of the sold-to-party. An outbound delivery is always issued from one shipping point only. The shipping point cannot be changed in the outbound delivery. When an order processed for delivery by the shipping point, the system only copies into the outbound delivery those order items that are defined for this shipping point. Order items with different shipping points are therefore not copied into the same outbound delivery. --- 2) a, b Explanation: If no storage location for picking is specified in the order item, the system determines the storage location when it creates the outbound delivery and copies it into the delivery item. Otherwise, the storage location entered in the order item is used in the outbound delivery. The system determines the picking location bases on a rule defined in the delivery type. The following rules are shipped in the standard system: MALA: The picking location is determined based on the shipping point, the delivering plant, and the material’s storage condition defined in the material master. RETA and MARA: These rules are mainly used in trade scenarios. You can also use the customer exit in SAP enhancement V02V0002 to implement storage location determination. The picking location search is activated for each delivery item category. --- 3) c Explanation: If goods issue for an outbound delivery is canceled, the goods issue posting is reset. The system copies the quantities and values from the original goods issue document and carries out an inventory posting based on these quantities and values with a reversed +/- sign. If you cancel goods issue, this affects the entire outbound delivery. The cancellation document created during cancellation is entered into the document flow for the outbound delivery. After goods issue has been canceled, the goods movement status of the outbound delivery is reset to “Not yet started”. This allows you to further process the outbound delivery as usual. The delivery requirements are also recreated. Canceling goods issue comprises two steps if the outbound delivery has been fully or partially billed. In this case you must first cancel the billing document. Then you can cancel goods issue. For each movement type in Inventory Management, you must define a reversal movement type in Customizing. No additional settings are required for the movement types used for goods issue posting in the standard system. |
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